Artist: Eva Halus
Title: Châteaufort Community Garden with a “Matisse” view
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Size: 41” x 25”
Date: 2021
The designer of the garden, Mark, created lots of visual art in the garden this summer. One of his objects, a bird bath feeder, in which he arranged a sculpture-like stone and some plants and fruits, giving the impression of a near-cubist painting of Matisse. I pushed more this illusion in my painting by adding at the back of the garden a window from Matisse’s studio giving to the sea-side.

Artist: Eva Halus
Title: Contemplation
Medium: Watercolor and pastel
Size: 49” x 31”
Date: 2021
This is a creative response to my friend Louise at the edge of Viktor Lake in Saint-Sauveur, in a magic afternoon this summer.
Bravo Éva! très bien rendu , inspiré et inspirant pour le spectateur que je suis