Community-Defined Evidence. 2022 Symposium

Concordia University’s engAGE Living Lab and CREGES present

Community-Defined Evidence: Health, Creativity and the Power of the People

A symposium about transformative research practices supporting equity, diversity and inclusion.

Community-Defined Evidence seeks to develop an evidence base that uses cultural and/or community indices, to influence the research and evaluation agenda, as well as policymakers and funding agencies, to implement and use innovative community-based practices to reduce disparities and improve availability, quality, and outcomes of healthcare for all individuals and families.


​​”Community-Defined Evidence: Imagine the Possibilities”

Kenneth J. Martínez, Psy.D.

Graphic notes by Carly McAskill and Moh Abdolreza

  • Power to the people
  • Community-Defined Evidence. Health, Community and the power of the People, September 22, 2022
  • Transformational change. Teachers and students for each other.
  • Knowledge mobilization. Everyone is an expert in their own life
  • Creative Living Lab. Inclusion, resilient, networking, intergenerational
  • Imagine the possibilities. Soft and Hard Power. Inclusive ways of working. Values & principles.
  • Learning from community. I want to learn from you! Holistic. Intersectionality.
  • Bigger picture.
  • Approval from community. Research Agenda, funding agenda. Plan & design with community.
  • Action. What values? Acknowledge slavery, historical trauma, boarding schools
  • Cultural Shift. No more silence. No more harm.
  • Methodological pluralism. Values, religion, family, ritual, spiritual, academic, policy.
  • Imagine

“Working with communities as partners in research – from inception to publication”

Dr. Myrna Lashley

Graphic notes by Carly McAskill

  • Belonging. Do it with us, not for us. Talk to each other



9-9:30 Opening Remarks by Mohawk Elder Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin

9:30-10:15 Morning Keynote Speaker: Dr. Kenneth Martinez, Psy. D.

10:45-12:00 Morning Lightning Talks:

  1. The Necessity of Belonging and its Realization in Community Spaces, Dr. Darla Fortune, Concordia University’s engAGE Centre for Research on Aging
  2. How Open Science is Transforming Research, Dr. Krista Byers Heinlein, Concordia University & Open Science
  3. Art Therapy as a Medical Tool, Dr. Giuseppe Mazza, M.D., Artruisme, 
  4. Human Support Ecosystems and the Co-development of Smart Homes in Support of Fragile and Isolated Older Adults: A Living Lab in Côte St-Luc, Sandra Smele, PhD Candidate, CREGES, Inclusive Aging, Diversity, Health and Well-Being

1:00-1:45 Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Dr. Myrna Lashley, McGill

2:00-3:15 Afternoon Participatory Lightning Workshop: Shopping Malls as Social Infrastructure for Creativity and Mental Health through a Community Defined Evidence Lens


  1. Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos, engAGE Living Lab
  2. Dr. Najmeh Khalili-Mahani, engAGE Living Lab’s Media Spa
  3. Yafa Goawily, Cornwall Art Hive
  4. Carmen Oprea, PhD Candidate, engAGE Living Lab Research

3:30-4:00 Closing Participatory Art Activity with Artist Arianna Garcia-Fialdini, PhD Candidate


9:00-9:45 Participatory Round Table: Where are we with promoting community defined evidence with funders and policy makers?

10:00-11:45 Creative World Café.

11:45-12:00 Launch of engAGE Living Lab’s Mini-Documentary with Film Director Yafa Goawily


Mohawk Elder Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin

Introductory remarks:

Mohawk Elder Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin

Tealey Ka’senni:saks Normandin is Kanien’kehá:ka from Kahnawake, adopted during the sixty scoop, Bear Clan. She has been working at the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal since 2007. Read entire Bio here

Morning Keynote Speaker: Kenneth J. Martínez, Psy.D.
Morning Keynote Speaker:
Kenneth J. Martínez, Psy.D.
“​​Community-Defined Evidence: Imagine the Possibilities”
Afternoon Keynote Speaker: Dr. Myrna Lashley
Afternoon Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Myrna Lashley
“Working with communities as partners in research – from inception to publication”
Dr. Darla-Fortune
“The Necessity of Belonging and its Realization in Community Spaces”
Dr. Krista Byers Heinlein
“How Open Science is Transforming Research”

Dr. Giuseppe (Joe) Mazza, MD
“Art Therapy as a Medical Tool”
Sandra Smele, PhD Candidate
“Human Support Ecosystems and the Co-development of Smart Homes”

Afternoon Participatory Lightning Workshop

Dr. Janis Timm-Bottos,
engAGE Living Lab
Dr. Najmeh Khalili-Mahani,
engAGE Living Lab’s Media Spa
Yafa Goawily,
Cornwall Art Hive
Carmen Oprea,
PhD Candidate,

engAGE Living Lab Research
Arianna Garcia-Fialdini
Participatory Art Invitation

Concordia University’s engAGE Living Lab Créatif offers opportunities for a fruitful exchange of ideas informed by a growing community of older adults, students, and university researchers, in its lab located within the Quartier Cavendish shopping centre in Cote Saint-Luc, Québec.

CREGÉS brings together the worlds of research, professional practice and citizen action around a common project, social gerontology. Social gerontology is a multidisciplinary field of study focused on the social aspects of aging.


  1. Margo

    Est-ce que ce serait pensable que ce soit en zoom aussi ?

    • Momo

      Hello, Margo.
      It’s a good question, I know there will be note-takers and we will have pictures. I am not sure it will be possible to stream, but I will ask.

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