The Art Hives’ Science Shop presents:
“Senior STEAM” Teapot Chats: What keeps your engine running?
This afternoon series of public creative science conversations will highlight older adults’ passion and ingenuity that help navigate challenges of aging in Quebec.
This series will illuminate the creative projects and inventions supported by the arts, sciences, and community-building that older adults are involved in that bring personal and community health and well-being.

Facebook event here
Event by Art Hives / Les Ruches d’Art, WIN: The West-end Intergenerational Network and Concordia University Art Hives
Location: Concordia University Art Hive campus Loyola
Duration: 1 hr 30 min
Join us Wednesdays at tea time to share what’s working about growing older through short talks and long conversations. All ages are welcome to hear from our older adults in the community, to join in the discussion, and to create art.
The speakers who will kickstart the conversation on Wednesday November 20th are:
Marie Cornellier
A mother, grandmother, a queer disabled woman who has processed her relationship with the Living through images and writing for at least three decades. Her main interests converged with her main issues: trauma, healing and togetherness. More recently she started sharing her poetry in diverse Montreal Open Mic locations.
For the last three years, she has given much of her attention to decolonize herself : as a mean to better understand our history and relationship with Indigenous Peoples here on Turtle Island / Canada; and as a process to deconstruct our ways of thinking and acting that are framed by oppression. A process that has greatly transformed her. She now gives workshops on decolonization from a settler point of view. Find Marie’s website here.
Diane Erickson
“The many stages of retirement: discovering meaning and fulfillment in present life”
14 years ago I retired from a teaching career. The journey of retirement has been full of ongoing changes leading to a discovery of what is most important to me.
As an older adult, if you or someone you know would like to sign-up to briefly introduce the inspiration for one of the teapot chats this fall, kindly reach out to Lindsay Clarke for more details (honorarium provided for speaker)