On Thursday, February 18 from 2:30-4:00 the Creative Science Shop presented researchers Linda Dyer and Stefanie Ruel, accompanied by Concordia student Angel Henchey, to tell the stories of four women in science and engineering who lived and worked during the “Cold War” period in Canada. These remarkable women were pioneers in their fields and their legacies continue in the present day.
Inspired by their stories, we anticipated a lively discussion of how their world is connected to topics as wide-ranging as telemedicine, weather patterns, and the persistent challenges for women in the workplace, and our own relevant life experiences.
The presenters are Dr. Linda Dyer, engAGE researcher and professor at the John Molson School of Business at Concordia, Stefanie Ruel, a faculty member at the Open University in the UK who came to academia after a 20-year career in the space industry, and Angel Henchey, MSc student in Management with a keen interest in women’s experiences in STEM higher education.
Watch the videos of Dr. Linda Dyer’s presentation here:
A woman in my past, part 1: Elsie MacGill
A woman in my past, part 2. Dr Luise Herzberg
A woman in my past, part3: Moira Dunbar
A woman in my past, part 4. Doris Jelly.
Conclusion: Our STEM Supper Party, inspired by “The Dinner Party” by Judy Chicago.

Everyone is welcome to participate in any of the engAGE Living Lab activities. To get instructions on how to join, please send an email to engagelivinglab@concordia.ca