2023 Community Art Exhibit

Wrapping Up Winter with Love – Célébrer la fin de l’hiver avec amour.

The engAGE Living Lab créatif and the Concordia University Art Hives invites the community to represent in any 2D or 3D visual media, their creative responses around the theme of Love, Kindness, Gratitude and expressing feelings of care for subjects that we rarely make space and time to celebrate.


You are invited to represent in any 2D or 3D visual media, a creative response that centers around themes of Love, Kindness, Gratitude and feelings of care for subjects that we rarely make space and time to celebrate.

We will accept a maximum of 1 creative individual work per artist, or 2 collaborative/group works, by Thursday March 2nd, 2023, 5pm.

All submissions will be received at the engAGE Living Lab créatif in Cavendish mall. Please bring your art ready to hang.

Open to all ages and abilities!


Thursday March 16th, 2023

3:00 to 6:00 PM

engAGE Living Lab

Storefront C14. 5800 Cavendish Blvd, Côte Saint-Luc, Quebec H4W 2T5

You can visit the exhibit until March 30th, 2023.

Participating artists

Daryl Zoellner
Ginette Aubin
Naomi Jacobson
Nicole M
Eva Halus
Brock Dishart
Malaka Ackaoui
Noelle Lemos
Marisol González Lara

Suzanne Ledoux
Natalia Chtchekotikhina
Lynn Kerr
Sharon Smith
Lisa Potter
Marguerite Dorion
Lady Rojas Benavente
Lesley Charters Cotton
More to come

Online participation

Lady Rojas Benavente

Poème et peinture dédiés au Groupe ECHO du jeudi.

Poem in three languages:

Mon cœur courageux – Nos cœurs courageux

My brave heart – Our brave hearts (Translation from Spanish to English by Hanna Barnett)

Mi corazón valiente – Nuestros corazones valientes

Lesley Charters Cotton

Song: “Boom Boom Schack” by Annie Lalalove

Winter Dancing

Lisa Potter


Digital painting. Paint 3D

I am inspired by the birds, their beauty in color, and all different birds

Lynn Kerr

“Birds of love in the flowers”

Acrylic painting on canvas.

I love birds. It makes me happy. I’ve been doing this all my life.

Marguerite Dorion


La fin de l’hiver se célèbre comme le chant du cygne : un éclat de soleil éclatant à travers un ciel d’hiver d’un froid bleu glacé sans nuages.

En même temps, l’hiver du mois de mars se réchauffe au creux de l’amour familial, de l’entraide d’autrui parfois même d’un inconnu et du retour d’une corneille moins frileuse.

La création est pour moi un moment de réflexion que je partage grâce à cette exposition avec les personnes qui s’arrêtent pour entendre ma forme de langage imager.

“L’entraide” – Encre. 29 cm X 30 cm.  

“Le chant” – Pastel sec et crayon. 28 cm X 47.5 cm

“Frère et Soeur” – Encre & acrylique. 40 cm X 41 cm

Marisol Gonzalez Lara

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Campus Xochimilco (Mexico)

“Joyful” – Collage

“Peaceful” – Crayons

“Movement” – Acrylics and photo

Sharon Smith

“A Peaceful Place To Reflect”


I am inspired by the beauty of nature which has influenced many of my art works.

My paintings are often in watercolor and sometimes as in this piece I add pastel.


  1. Marguerite Dorion

    How nice it is to be a virtual participant of this exhibition even though I cannot display my paintings in real life at the Cavendish Mall. It gives me the impression of being part of this art project and of the Engage Living Lab Créatif Community and the Concordia University Art Hives you for all this work and preparation .
    Once again, special thanks to Momo who game to me with her legendary patience she always has.

  2. Marguerite Dorion

    Magnifique! Je danse avec Lesley en regardant les textes et les peintures. qui me font du bien. Je sens que l’hiver tire à sa fin. Merci

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