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Artist: Natalí Ortiz 

Medium: Mixed media

Size: 80x100cm

Date: 2017

I made this painting to portray black feminine power and to honour black women, who had and continue to fight for social justice, with an intersectionality lens, which includes the different identity markers of race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, class and more. 

Artist: Natalí Ortiz 

Title: Nina

Medium: Mixed media

Date: 2021

I made this painting of Nina Gualinga, an environmental activist from the Ecuadorian amazon to raise awareness that Indigenous women and land defenders are exposed to multiple forms of violence, which too often remain in impunity . Nina is an example of how women in the amazon are coming together to protect their lands and bodies. As Nina writes “ we are nature, we need to let go of the idea that nature is an object for exploitation Indigenous people know this because we have been in connection with nature for thousand of years”

Artist: Micheline Desmarteaux

Title: Communication

Size: 8 ½ X 11

Medium: drawing (coloring pencils) and writing

Date: Spring 2021

‘Communication’ was created in response to a communication problem with a friend.

Artist: Micheline Desmarteaux

Title: Musée2

“Musée2” was created in response to the discovery of friends’ dark side and acknowledging my own dark side.

Artist: Marguerite Dorion

Title: Maison ou porte

Medium: Techniques mixtes

Date: 2021

La mort a frappé en décembre 2020.  La maison est temporairement ébranlée mais elle n’a pas perdu de son lustre car ses racines sont profondes. Elles assureront la survie avec un peu de temps, de distance et de confiance en la force des liens du sang. 

Artist: Marguerite Dorion

Title: Avenir en or

Medium: Techniques mixtes

Date: 2021

Une maison ébranlée ou une porte qui donne sur un boisé d’arbres solidement enracinés. Les couleurs de cet automne 2021 sont un gage d’espoir pour un avenir plus proche que soupçonné…

Artist: Marcia Goldberg

Title: Preposterous Pandemic Abandon in Palos Verdes

Medium: Acrylic on wood panel

Date: 2020-2021

The idea came to me as I followed the news in the summer and fall of 2020 and clipped black and white photos from the Gazette of beachgoers in Southern California congregating oblivious of mask-wearing protocols that we in Montreal were observing with increasing ferocity especially as news came in that the first to die in the old age home here so perversely were the caretakers that had not had vaccinations, did not have enough masks, etc. I realized the “red sky in the morning/sailor take warning” coloration of the beach and sky was at play in my choice of colors.  I also felt as the improbable “cannonball” diver on the lower left (who also was depicted in the news on a different day) came into the painting and other “ghost divers” started falling through the air that there was a cautionary tale here taking place–maybe as much a full-scale warning because the numbers of deaths from Coronavirus (and many acts of wanton human behaviour were building towards a “perfect storm” more than just a surrealistic echo of Magritte. I decided to let them fall unfinished, the consequences they have wrought “hang fire,” as it were, suspended in air. I like being able to get a philosophical distance from the story in the pattern.

Artist: Marie-Hélène Lavoie

Title: Day and night

Medium: color pencils

Date: 2021

This work is responding to the idea that doors are the beginning of a lot of physical places  by foot or by wheelchair.

Artist: Lisa Potter

Title: Friends and family

Medium: Digital poetry

Date: 2021

This is a creative response to friends and family.

Artist: Lisa Potter

Title: Reconciliation is important

Medium: Digital artwork

Date: 2021

This work is creatively responding to the idea that reconciliation is important.


Medium: Video

Date: 2021

This work is a creative response to a demonstration captured on video this past summer in Pine Beach Park, Dorval for Lesley’s dance students.

Lesley Charters Cotton always briefly demonstrates each dance before teaching the routine.  Once the steps are mastered, dancers are encouraged to improvise using arms, hips, heads and faces.  Often we partner.  One is the audience while the partner personalizes the routine before switching and verbally sharing impressions.  Sometimes we mentally challenge ourselves as we repeat the same routine on the left side and switch back to the right.  We have fun. 

Artist: Lady Rojas Benavente

Title: Poussez La Porte, Push The Door of Time, Empuja La Puerta del Tiempo

Medium: Video et poesie

Date: 2021

Réponse créative à l’expérience collective vécue en tant qu’immigrant latino-américain au Canada.

Artist: Kelly Walsh

Title: Untitled

Medium: Steel wire, magnets, small screw-in hook, fridge, flashlight.

A creative response to what I saw in the wire when I obtained it.

Artist: Joanne Racette

Title: Bleu: Dissolution

Medium: Acrylique et feutre

Quitter l’espace temps, flotter dans un monde sans contrainte , léger, accueillant

Artist: Joanne Racette

Title: Rose: Au coeur de soi

Medium: Collage et pastels gras

Rencontrer sa profondeur, son intimité, son être.

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