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Let’s come together and share our creativity in this collective exhibition.

call for submissions. 2021 Community Art Exhibit. Theme:Spring, new beginnings.

Join us in the third online art exhibition in collaboration with the engAGE Living Lab and Concordia University Art Hives.

We welcome you all to submit your creative works:

  • Visual art
  • Poetry or Written word
  • Recipes
  • Dance and movement
  • Song

Kindly send up to a maximum of 3 creative works from each artist, as JPEG or PNG files, by May 10th.

Contact Arianna regarding how to submit a video or audio file, or any other questions at

The community art exhibition will be held online and also displayed in the windows of engAGE Living Lab headquarters at Cavendish Mall, with an online vernissage on May 28th, 2021.

Visit our previous online exhibits here.

Days to submission

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What’s Next in a Pandemic and Post-Pandemic World?

Join us at the next Creative Science Shop to hear Dr. Meghan Joy sharing her work related to Age-friendly Cities and Communities.
Our cities and communities are places that have not always been designed and programmed with the needs of older people in mind.

The Age-friendly Cities and Communities (AFCC) agenda is meant to rectify this by making improvements in supports, programs, and infrastructures to meet the needs of older people, as defined by older people in all their diversity. AFCCs have been around for over a decade now and it is time to take stock of what is and is not working with the program, especially in a pandemic and post-pandemic world.

You are invited to a discussion about what more might be needed to make our cities and communities more age-friendly moving forward. Share with us how do you see age-friendly environments in the context of the pandemic and where might creativity fit into the age-friendly policy agenda.

Meghan Joy is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at Concordia University. Her research interests include the politics of population ageing, theories and practice of progressive politics and policy in cities, and the political economy of the nonprofit sector.

Select publications include her book The Right to an Age-Friendly City: Redistribution, Recognition, and Senior Citizen Rights in Urban Spaces (MQUP, 2020), and article “Beyond Neoliberalism: A Policy Agenda for a Progressive City” (with Dr. Ronald K. Vogel, Urban Affairs Review, 2021).

Watch an excerpt of Megan Joy’s presentation here:

Everyone is welcome to participate in any of the engAGE Living Lab activities. To get instructions on how to join, please send an email to

engAGE Living Lab is launching the project Neighbourhood Art and Material Exchange in collaboration with Concordia’s Re-Use Centre (CUCCR), West-End Intergenerational Network (WIN), and Extra Miles senior visiting program.

The aim is to develop a sustainable service to distribute free art materials and offer pop-up Art Hives throughout Montreal during the warmer weather.

You can watch highlights of these conversations here:

Art boxes with Moh
Art Bike with Christine
Virtual tour of CUCCR with Anna
Creative Care Packages with Anna

Poster depicting groups of people engaging in diverse leisure activities

Everyone is welcome to participate in any of the engAGE Living Lab activities. To get instructions on how to join, please send an email to

As Canada commemorates the 150th anniversary of confederation, the Art Hives Network acknowledges the ongoing struggles of Indigenous people caused by colonization. We join together to examine the role of non-Indigenous Canadians in the truth and reconciliation process to help establish and restore Indigenous people’s rights in Canada. We believe that non-Indigenous Canadians have a responsibility to understand the shared history of colonization and how we may be continuing to perpetuate colonial relationships in our personal and professional lives.

We invite people in communities across Canada to come together to form small listening circles, where we sit in a circle and listen to each other, and reflect critically on personal and collective choices and experiences. Adding spontaneous and informal art-making about a topic that may be uncomfortable, uncertain and unclear helps to maintain an empathetic space.

We believe such community listening circles can generate the necessary dialogue to uncover and examine how our personal and collective story intersects with colonialism, and how we may reproduce it in our lives and cause harm to Indigenous peoples. This ”unsettling the settler” work is necessary to truly participate in the transformative possibilities of reconciliation (Regan, 2010), and to start imagining a shared future of mutual recovery and respect.

This toolkit is a work in progress. It is a beginning, initiated by a group of non-Indigenous Canadians to share our process and learning with readers, with the hope to inspire them to do the same. We hope this toolkit will continue to expand as more communities experiment with it. We welcome feedback and participation data at

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

You can visit the Art hives website:

Or download the document here.

The following document provides general guidelines for facilitating an online art hive, as established by the Concordia University Art Hives HQ and engAGE Living Lab in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, in the spring of 2020.

Zoom meeting with Art Hive facilitators showing their art works

The instructions for online community art-making provided here are specific for the Zoom platform but may apply to other digital platforms.

These guidelines are outlined as the current working practices to provide an ethical online art hive experience and are subject to change as the practice continues to evolve.

Please use your best judgement as every virtual hive is unique and constantly adapting to changing contexts.

Visit the Art Hives website to download the guideline

Or download the document here:

Art Hives How-to-Guide

The Art Hives How-to-Guide was created to address a need expressed by many community members who share a desire to regroup to respond creatively to issues in their communities, and are wondering “How do we begin?”

The information we have gathered here is not a definitive recipe book, but we hope that by making what we’ve learned so far, readily available in an open-source format, we can help make your Art Hive journey just a little bit easier.

We want to support those of you who are inspired by the Art Hives model in making it your own. Every community is complex with special strengths and challenges and every Art Hive should equally reflect the unique issues being tackled, as well as the traditions being celebrated.

This guide was made possible through the generous support of the JW McConnell Family Foundation and Concordia University in Montreal.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Visit the Art Hives website

Or download the guide here:

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