Artist: Marie-Hélène Lavoie
Title: Day and night
Medium: color pencils
Date: 2021
This work is responding to the idea that doors are the beginning of a lot of physical places by foot or by wheelchair.
Artist: Marie-Hélène Lavoie
Title: Day and night
Medium: color pencils
Date: 2021
This work is responding to the idea that doors are the beginning of a lot of physical places by foot or by wheelchair.
Artist: Lisa Potter
Title: Friends and family
Medium: Digital poetry
Date: 2021
This is a creative response to friends and family.
Artist: Lisa Potter
Title: Reconciliation is important
Medium: Digital artwork
Date: 2021
This work is creatively responding to the idea that reconciliation is important.
Medium: Video
Date: 2021
This work is a creative response to a demonstration captured on video this past summer in Pine Beach Park, Dorval for Lesley’s dance students.
Lesley Charters Cotton always briefly demonstrates each dance before teaching the routine. Once the steps are mastered, dancers are encouraged to improvise using arms, hips, heads and faces. Often we partner. One is the audience while the partner personalizes the routine before switching and verbally sharing impressions. Sometimes we mentally challenge ourselves as we repeat the same routine on the left side and switch back to the right. We have fun.
Artist: Lady Rojas Benavente
Title: Poussez La Porte, Push The Door of Time, Empuja La Puerta del Tiempo
Medium: Video et poesie
Date: 2021
Réponse créative à l’expérience collective vécue en tant qu’immigrant latino-américain au Canada.
Artist: Kelly Walsh
Title: Untitled
Medium: Steel wire, magnets, small screw-in hook, fridge, flashlight.
A creative response to what I saw in the wire when I obtained it.
Artist: Joanne Racette
Title: Bleu: Dissolution
Medium: Acrylique et feutre
Quitter l’espace temps, flotter dans un monde sans contrainte , léger, accueillant
Artist: Joanne Racette
Title: Rose: Au coeur de soi
Medium: Collage et pastels gras
Rencontrer sa profondeur, son intimité, son être.
Artist: Gaby Orbach
Title: Contemplation
Medium: Handmade art jewelry, polymer clay
Creatively responding to the mystery of one’s thoughts existing in one’s mind while bringing forth more wonderment.
Artist: Gaby Orbach
Title: Serenity
Medium: Handmade art jewelry, polymer clay
This work is a creative response to the peacefulness of mind and body, such as a satisfying yoga workout together with a feeling of calmness.
Artist: Eva Halus
Title: Châteaufort Community Garden with a “Matisse” view
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Size: 41” x 25”
Date: 2021
The designer of the garden, Mark, created lots of visual art in the garden this summer. One of his objects, a bird bath feeder, in which he arranged a sculpture-like stone and some plants and fruits, giving the impression of a near-cubist painting of Matisse. I pushed more this illusion in my painting by adding at the back of the garden a window from Matisse’s studio giving to the sea-side.
Artist: Eva Halus
Title: Contemplation
Medium: Watercolor and pastel
Size: 49” x 31”
Date: 2021
This is a creative response to my friend Louise at the edge of Viktor Lake in Saint-Sauveur, in a magic afternoon this summer.
Artist: Eric Skipp
Title: A Pleasant Winter Day
Medium: Oil
Size: 24” x 20” I was out walking in the Laurentians north of Montreal and was looking for a subject to paint. I captured this beautiful winter scene in a photograph first, and then painted it at home using the photograph for inspiration.
Artist: Eric Skipp
Title: Summer Evening
Medium: Oil
Size: 18” x 24”
I saw these lovely flowers in a vase at a friend’s house, and decided that I wanted to paint them with the lighting of a summer evening.
Artist: Edna Katz-Silver
Title: Four Faces
Medium: Acrylic and bronze on canvas
Size: 20” x 24”
This is a family portrait, led by the shape of a mother who contains the faces of her three children, enmeshed in co-creating a life-giving abstraction. Engaging with the harsh angles of the world, the elemental metal is offered in contrast to the soft colours: art as alchemy, a site of treatment and knowledge beyond language.
Artist: Edna Katz-Silver
Title: My Lady
Medium: Acrylic on canvas, framed
Size: 24”x40”
This is an existential self-portrait, wherein transparent layers express a life lived from multiple perspectives and experiences. In combination they compose a spirit that flows like a series of diaphanous veils, undoing any singular or fixed identity; aligning instead to create a figure that stays curious, desirous and elegant, despite life’s harsh edges.
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